Day 14

I have to confess that I had fallen off the wagon the past few weeks, so that is the reason for my lack of blogging. I am not sure what happened to my motivation but it is back!

Overnight Oats

Overnight Oatmeal

¾ cup Dannon Light and Fit Vanilla Greek Yogurt

½ packet Quaker Oats Weight Control Instant Oatmeal (Maple and Brown Sugar)

¼ cup fresh diced strawberries

¼ cup fresh blueberries


Mix all ingredients in an airtight container and leave in fridge overnight. This was yummy and very filling!



Calories: 211

Fat: 2g

Protein: 18g


You can use any flavor yogurt or oatmeal and any selection of fruits as well. I just used what I had on hand. The next time I make it I will just use old fashioned rolled oats, but I did not have any last night when I made this.  My next adventure is going to include substituting a banana for the berries and adding some PB2.



Lazy Man Triathalon

I have always wanted to do a triathalon, however due to my knee I cannot stand to run for long periods of time. Our local YMCA rolled out a lazy man triathalon and I love the concept!

You have 6 weeks to complete 26.2 miles of running, 112 miles of biking, and 2.4 miles of swimming. You can run outside or on a treadmill and you can bike outside or on an indoor recumbent bike.

So I decided to do my own lazy man triathalon and I challenge you to do the same as well!

If you want to equal it out to do the same amount in 6 weeks you should:

Run 4.4 miles a week

Bike 18.7 miles a week

Swim .4 miles a week
